In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, One God, Amen
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Feast of the Nativity of Our Lady,
Holy Virgin Mary
Yom fissiha kone be’inte lideta leMariam (There was great joy in the birth of Mary!)
“Her foundations are upon the holy hills.” (Psalm [86]87:1)
When we look back 2019 years ago, we find a marvelous, history changing event that occurred. This was the birth of our Lady, Holy Virgin Mary. It is also Her that God’s prophet David, known as a man after God’s own heart, refers to by saying, “Her foundations are upon the holy hills.” (Psalm [86]87:1). Those described as the holy hills are our Lady’s parents and ancestors such as Noah and Abraham for all these are saints. Joachim and Anne are among the holy hills and they are also the father and mother of our Lady. They used to be sad since they were barren although they lived in a faithfully holy marriage. They made a vow at an old age so that God would give them a child. The vow was, “If we have a son, we will not say let him go up and down, plough, dig, trade, make profit and help us but rather be a guard and servant of the house of God; if we have a daughter, we will not say let her gather wood, bake bread, fetch water, grind